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The reason why people need other people and heart-to-heart communication.

I once thought about friendship and communication and now I would like to tell you how I personally see the reason for our attachments to people. There are such people, seemingly ordinary, and you communicate with them and it is so wonderful, some kind of flow like a song, like a river flows and so easily .... And there are no problems and obstacles. And it happens with another seemingly the same person, communication does not go at all. So what is the difference? Personally, I see it as a line from the soul, if a person allows, accepts you and your communication, if everything is mutual, then a special connection is created. And then it seems like you don’t even need to think with your head, words and jokes themselves are found without a creak, everything is easy. But it happens that a person does not want to communicate, gets offended or has stereotypes about you, so it seems he cannot connect to the pure channel of your communication, honest and sincere, relaxed. And in general, the most important thing that a person seeks in communication with another person is a live broadcast with God. Yes, yes, it may sound crazy, but if we take the concept of our creation in the image and likeness of God, as well as many other religious, esoteric, spiritual data. Each person has a soul, in each soul there is a part of God. Therefore, when some person and we ourselves have a good connection with our own soul, with our spiritual "I", with ourselves as a whole. Then one part of God meets another and, of course, they cannot help but recognize each other. They communicate well, recognize and love each other. Even if the communication is friendly. And that is why, in my opinion, we sometimes so thirst and want communication only with certain people with whom this live broadcast with God once happened. Although this is possible with everyone, there are too many circumstances for everything to coincide exactly as it should. Unfortunately, everything often happens the other way around: people get offended, withdraw into themselves and do not communicate for 20 years. But perhaps deep down they dream of talking and still remember those with whom they once had heart-to-heart talks and it was so great, did not interfere or burden, but only brought benefit and joy. And most importantly, it was endlessly interesting, what next. Let's more often establish our heart-to-heart communication, about which we can say that this is not friendship, but just a song .
The reason why people need other people and heart-to-heart communication. I once thought about ...
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