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What is culture? Essay-cringe.

The word culture has many meanings. The word culture is defined differently for each person. Culture itself is defined in different senses, which a person can follow as a basis for life or a path to self-discovery. It can serve as a set of human cultivation, nurturing, education, development, and reverence.

Life values also serve as part of a person's culture. For example, it is expressed in the observance of generally accepted norms of behavior. They can change over time, becoming more democratic or conservative. Education, religion, and type of upbringing are all part of culture. How a person behaves, what he professes, and even where he comes from. Each nation has its peculiarities, its own culture, and its mentality. Culture can be identified and described through values, norms, and stereotypes. Culture is always historically conditioned, but it can change over time, as ideas about the world, about man, and society change. Culture is everywhere, it is inside everyone, in their behavior and values. It is necessary to consider each other's culture, as education and the pledge of understanding are a part of the value that a person can carry in his soul. By getting information about other people's traditions, getting acquainted with new people, and exploring different countries and cities, a person expands his inner values, thus building his concept of human culture and way of life.

Culture has the property to be supplemented, and expanded, as it will never stand still. It is something that man has built, it's while creating people. Culture is a way of self-expression, with its help a person expresses his feelings, but there are many ways of expressing these feelings. Without culture people can't exist, because it plays an important role, in contributing to the development of society, passing knowledge and concepts from generation to generation.

© Mogilyovskij Nikita Burzhuevich

P.S Essay for Rimskij
What is culture? Essay-cringe. The word culture has many meanings. The word culture is defined ...
What is culture? Essay-cringe. The word culture has many meanings. The word culture is defined ... - 2
What is culture? Essay-cringe. The word culture has many meanings. The word culture is defined ... - 3
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