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welcome to anne’s wonderland
welcome to anne’s wonderland
· Sleep Regularly – This sounds weird as a study tip, but I try to go to bed around 10 and wake up latest of 7, and the effect of sleeping regularly is that I can actually focus on my work properly and I’m not exhausted all the time.

· Study With Sunlight – As it’s coming up to summer time, this is becoming easier. Studying by a window or even outside for a little keeps me feeling awake and focused, and I’d highly recommend it.

· Take Care of Yourself – There will become points in the day when you begin to feel fatigued and sluggish, pay attention to your body. Perhaps its time for a shower, a quick workout, or even to completely pack away for the day. Your body knows what it needs, listen to it.

· 45 to 15 – I personally spend 45 minutes studying and then take a 15 minute break; whatever you do in your break is up to you, but I’ve found that dancing to your favourite song and grabbing a drink and sometimes a snack work best for me (I’d suggest avoiding social media if you can so as not to fall down a rabbit hole of procrastination).

· Don’t Just Drink Coffee – Another weird one, but it’s important to make sure you’re drinking water alongside other drinks, especially coffee, as water is best to keep you well hydrated and fully functional.

· Start Early – Here’s one I didn’t do. Start studying as soon as you start learning the material, even beforehand if you can. This is massively important as it’ll improve your grade to the best it can be (and save you from panic-studying like I do).

· List – Lists are your best friend when it comes to studying; I personally try to keep my daily to-do lists to a maximum of three tasks as anymore can become overwhelming. Try to plan out what you need to get done each day either the night before, or as soon as you’re up in the morning. It’ll also make you feel more motivated and less likely to procrastinate.

· Eat Clean – Trying to eat healthily can be really hard, trust me, I know. But eating cleanly and well where you can will really help your brain to be less frazzled as you try to study.

· Every Day – Try to do something productive each day, such as showering and making your bed. It doesn’t have to be a big task, but doing at least one productive thing a day will get you in the right frame of mind to be academically productive and make you feel all-together better in yourself.

· Do Work When it’s Given – Try to get at least a little of your work done as soon as it’s given to you. For example, I have a two hour break after my English class each Tuesday. In that time, before I start studying, I try to plan out what I want to do for my English essay that week. Not only does doing this save you planning later on, it also means you can just get on with your task later without any worry or confusion, and acts as good revision while everything is still fresh in your mind.
· Sleep Regularly – This sounds weird as a study tip, but I try to go to bed around 10 and wake up ...
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