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да вкусненько ))))))))))))))))))
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Алексей вы разве не знаете что шимпеньоны можно есть сырыми? Достаточно помыть
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А что их чистить? их можно есть сырыми Достаточно помыть
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Janu Janu
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господи, где же денег то столько взять!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Бахадыр Бахадыр
The People at home are apt to slice and chop Swine Meat in the wrong way. Swine Meat has in its nature got longtitidunal fibers and fats in its composition,
Бахадыр Бахадыр
therefore, it is not recommended to slice or chop swine fillets but instead, it is highly recommendable for consumers to slice and chunk into several cubic pieces by first cutting the swine meat along the longtitudinal fibers in several linear pieces and then taking the excessive fats out of them into waste basket followed up by chunking them into several smaller chunks like " Dog Food" rather than making big chunks like in the Georgian Cuisine.
Бахадыр Бахадыр
What is more, Swine Meat by its own Longtiudenal fiberous and fat layer-structure has got a hard-to-chew texture when it is freshly-slaughtered and sold in the butchers or meat-rayons of markets.
Бахадыр Бахадыр
The Best Quality Swine, Freshly-Chilled Meat is the one, which is kept in deep-freeze cold stores for min 1 month after shopping and all types of swine-meats must -no doubt-be tenderized by special different types of meat-tenderizers before cooking in the frying pan or in the grill-oven if you really do not wish to damage the balance of chewing on your teeth and if you really wish to have an indescribeable taste and rapid trouble-free digestion in the stomach.
Бахадыр Бахадыр
Let me give you a meat tenderizer receipt here to make use at your Datcha House or at Home in the most practical way: 1 Kg Swine or Beef Meat Basis ( 2 Large Table-spponfull Olive Oil + 2 Large Table-spponful Apple Vinegar + 2 Large Table-spoonful Daiy Fresh Pasteurized Milk +
Бахадыр Бахадыр
3 Big Heads of Krimskiy Dry Onion + 1 Big Head of Garlic (Min 10 Big Tooth-of-Garlics) + 1 Dessert-Spoonful Red Ostri Listik Perets + 1 Small tea-spoonful Refined Salt + 1 Small Tea-spoonful Blackpepper (moloti), + 2 Dessert-spoonful Dry Oregano + 2 dozens of dried- fresh Leaves of Daphne.
Бахадыр Бахадыр
3 Big Heads of Krimskiy Dry Onion + 1 Big Head of Garlic (Min 10 Big Tooth-of-Garlics) + 1 Dessert-Spoonful Red Ostri Listik Perets + 1 Small tea-spoonful Refined Salt + 1 Small Tea-spoonful Blackpepper (moloti), + 2 Dessert-spoonful Dry Oregano + 2 dozens of dried- fresh Leaves of Daphne.
Бахадыр Бахадыр
Process: mix all the liquid ingredients first in a large bowl and then add up into the liquid mixture of Olive-Oil, Milk and Vinegar the dried spices alltogether and blend them again. Add into the mixture the pniched and undressed garlics after smashing them in a "Gavan" or " Metal-Garlic Press". At the same time, peel off the dry onions and slice them in thinner several circular or semi-circular shaped plies.
Бахадыр Бахадыр
and then add those smashed garlics and encircles dry onions into this general mixture and blend them very well. After that, throw all the chuncks of small-cubics of cow, beef or swine meats as well as fillets into this "tenderizer" to be thoroughly washed inside for complete absorbtion into the texture of meat. Open up 1-2-3 pieces "self-zippered,air-tight" Naylon Fridge Bags ideal for deep-freezing
Бахадыр Бахадыр
and zipper them up one by one and place them into the upper deep fridge for self-tenderizing for at least 12 hours or next day evening for cooking. If such a well-tenderized meat is grilled on a charcoal-mangal in the balcony or in your back-yard garden, slwolwy slowly ,the taste of it becomes super tasty and pleasant for the eaters!
Бахадыр Бахадыр
Some of you may come up with a harsh reaction about the matters of "family-budget"! I would just like to suggest and advice yourselves that Good Taste has a considerable additional "cost" just like we say in the Kitchen Culture: "Pasta Product of USD 1,00 and Sauces of USD 10 to make a delicious dish!
Бахадыр Бахадыр
Oksana Oksana
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Сыр поплавится и пристанет к фольге...да и время мяса 10 - это много и часа 2 хватит- это свинина..ДЕЛАЮ- так же - но в открытой фольге и сверху смазываю яйцом и посыпаю молотым арахисам- можно просто сухарями ... тогда с нежной корочкой..
Галина Галина
Pvl Лена Pvl Лена
Forget-me-not Forget-me-not