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© 2008‒2025 Социально‐развлекательная сеть «Фотострана». Пользователей: 25 208 407 человек
ООО «Фотострана» ОГРН: 1157847426076 ИНН: 7813238556
197046, Санкт-Петербург, Певческий переулок, дом 12, лит. А
- Buy 1,5 Kg Big Size "Hamsi" from the fish market. Please kindly request the seller to clean them out well including
all the stickles (Kostichki) inside out and wash them well under running cold water. (you can also do the same at
home if you would not mind it)
- You need Max.1,5% Acid Refined Extra Virgin Olive Oil in a bottle
- You need solid black peppers (No Powder Black Pepper) some 20-25 pieces
- You need "rock-salt" in a pack
- You need a spacious flat-bed type porcelain or ceramic rectangular or square shaped cooking plate with tight cover
lid, preferably a visible transparent glass (Krilishka)
several pinches of rock salt and spread the salt into each and every single "hamsi" thoroughly
several pinches of rock salt and spread the salt into each and every single "hamsi" thoroughly
with 1 Thumb Thickness Size
with 1 Thumb Thickness Size
Следующая запись: :) Уютного и тёплого вечера Вам!!!!!
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