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Английский язык
Food idioms

big cheese (e.g. I managed to talk to the big cheese himself) - важная персона, большая шишка

wine and dine (e.g. We were wined and dined every night and given the
best hotel in town) - угощать, кормить - поить

butterfingers (e.g. What a butterfingers! You keep dropping things) -
неловкий, неуклюжий, разиня, растяпа

cream of the crop (e.g. This is going to be a very important party. Cream of the crop will be there) - сливки общества, лучший из лучших, важный

cup of tea (e.g. Such shows are not my cup of tea) - что-либо или кто-л. приходящееся по вкусу

use your noodle (e.g. Use your noodle to understand what’s going on!) -
шевели мозгами, думай

to be nuts about (e.g. I am nuts about Chinese food) - быть страстным
поклонником кого-либо/чего-либо

a smart cookie (e.g. She is a smart cookie and always gets excellent grades) - умный, хитрый, ловкач

bring home the bacon (e.g. I need a job to bring home the bacon) - зарабатывать (на хлеб с маслом)

to be in the soup (e.g. Oh, no! I’ve broken mum’s favourite vase. Now
I'm really in the soup) - попасть в неприятность

a couch potato (e.g. Come on, let’s go out or you will turn into a coach potato) - домосед, лежебока, лентяй

to be full of beans ( e.g. I don’t want to sleep any more after that coffee, I am full of beans) - жизнерадостный, энергичный

a chicken (e.g. You are such a a chicken) - трус, трусливый

a lemon (e.g. This telephone is a real lemon! It keeps breaking down!) - непригодная вещь
Food idioms. big cheese (e.g. I managed to talk to the big cheese himself) - важная персона, большая ...
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