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Английский | English for everyone
ТОП-5 самых сложных скороговорок в английском языке

1. A tutor who tooted the flute
Tried to tutor two tooters to toot
Said the two to the tutor
'Is it tougher to toot
Or to tutor two tooters to toot?'
2. A certain young fellow named Beebe
Wished to marry a lady named Phoebe
"But," he said. "I must see
What the minister's fee be
Before Phoebe be Phoebe Beebe"
3. If one doctor doctors another doctor
Does the doctor who doctors the doctor
Doctor the doctor the way the doctor he is doctoring doctors?
Or does the doctor doctor the way
The doctor who doctors doctors?
4. I cannot bear to see a bear
Bear down upon a hare.
When bare of hair he strips the hare,
Right there I cry, 'Forbear!'
5. If Freaky Fred Found Fifty Feet of Fruit
And Fed Forty Feet to his Friend Frank
How many Feet of Fruit did Freaky Fred Find?
ТОП-5 самых сложных скороговорок в английском языке. 1. A tutor who tooted the flute Tried to tutor ...
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